ABA Journal

Advertising Law

All About Advertising Law

Venable's advertising and marketing team tracks the legal moves of the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and even Facebook's platform policy to call shenanigans on website language and the latest marketing tactics that do not (or soon will not) pass legal muster. Posts also note key appellate decisions and what they mean for advertisers.

How Appealing

How Appealing calls itself the first blawg devoted to appellate litigation. Updated frequently throughout the day, it posts links to breaking legal news stories and important court decisions. The site is an affiliate of law.com and also has links to its stories.

Rebecca Tushnet’s 43(B)log

This blog offers thorough discussions of how the Internet age affects both intellectual property and false advertising law, as well as analysis of recent related cases.

Socially Aware

Posts cover legal questions that arise with the use of social media.