ABA Journal


Art Law & More

Posts cover copyright lawsuits in the art world, legal issues related to art seized by Nazis during World War II, and rulings from United Kingdom courts related to art ownership.

Cogent Legal Blog

"Cogent Legal Blog covers news, views and how-to's on legal graphics, case strategy and the law. Practical articles and commentary about visual presentations for mediation and trial, courtroom technology, legal trends and litigation strategy."

Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire

Posts discuss cases dealing with the purchase, possession, import, export and smuggling of cultural artifacts, both in the United States and internationally.

Defrosting Cold Cases

The blog gives victims of unsolved cases a Web presence—well over 100 victims so far—and also speaks out for defendants she thinks have been wrongfully convicted. If readers are able to find and send her more information about a case she's written about, she'll file follow-up posts. Other posts contain interviews with evidence experts and crime novelists about their work.

Electronic Discovery Law

Posts summarize and offer commentary on cases related to e-discovery and note amendments to the rules of civil procedure.

EvidenceProf Blog

Every weekday, law professors post on the very latest rulings regarding the admissibility of evidence in criminal cases and what sorts of lines of questioning should be permitted at criminal trials. They also note differences between the federal rules of evidence and the rules of various states. Occasionally, they will comment on whether they think courts have reached the right outcomes in these evidence cases or note fishy behavior by prosecutors.

Koehler Law

The author writes about his day-to-day experiences as a criminal defense attorney in Washington, D.C., including his appellate work and court-appointed work with juvenile clients. He also discusses happenings in the legal blogosphere.

Litigation & Trial

"The tales and tribulations of a Philadelphia lawyer." Posts discuss the details of litigating and trying civil cases; productivity, office management and marketing; and some Philadelphia legal news.

Ride the Lightning

Posts investigate the latest issues in computer forensics and e-discovery. Lawyer/consultant Sharon Nelson guides readers as she explores new technologies and reacts, sometimes
with incredulity, at the stunning revelations from lax oversight and poor records management.