ABA Journal


Above the Law

Irreverent and muckraking posts on breaking legal news and issues of the day. In additional to reporting on news events and cases of interest, ATL contributors offer commentary on legal controversies and the state of the industry at large. The site also has a career center with job listings and information for job seekers. ATL was added to the ABA Journal's Blawg 100 Hall of Fame in 2012.

The Am Law Daily

Churns out original BigLaw coverage from dawn to dusk every business day, and they also never fail to focus on how national and world news might affect the Am Law 200. Posts cover law firm news, new litigation (with a focus on the firms involved), as well as major federal and state court rulings.

The Legal Watercooler

Posts jump in the blogosphere's conversation about law firm marketing hits and misfires.