ABA Journal

Legal Information


The official blog of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism discusses ways to foster professionalism and civility among lawyers and judges.

Dewey B Strategic

Legal research services—Bloomberg BNA, LexisNexis, Westlaw—are a big part of this blog's beat. But O'Grady also takes close looks at new legal research platforms, interviews legal publishing leaders, and explores the evolving role of law librarians as the profession absorbs new technology and law firms rethink how they serve clients.

FOIA Advisor

FOIA Advisor is a one-stop, online freedom of information resource for both experienced practitioners and new FOIA requesters. Visitors have free access to federal court decisions, reference material, how-to-guides, FOIA news, and a Q-and-A forum.

Jurist—Paper Chase

This is a broad-ranging legal information and research blog with a mission to focus on legal stories of substantive importance rather than sensational appeal and cover both national and international legal news.

Law Blog

The Wall Street Journal's legal blog features a half-dozen detailed posts daily on a wide variety of legal topics from law firm shakeups—sometimes featuring interviews with BigLaw names—to the U.S. Supreme Court. Posts frequently include links to pleadings and other relevant legal documents.


This blawg "explores an American legal system that too often turns litigation into a weapon against guilty and innocent alike, erodes individual responsibility, rewards sharp practice, enriches its participants at the public's expense, and resists even modest efforts at reform and accountability."

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

This blog discusses Internet and intellectual property law with an emphasis on search engines, spam, adware/spyware, and other marketing issues.