ABA Journal


The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

"Law and lobbying in the nation's capital." While the BLT's law firm news for the most part stays inside the Beltway, its concise and timely original reporting on all three branches of the federal government gives it national appeal.

The Criminal Lawyer

Analytical and philosophical posts cover criminal justice writ large: misconceptions about the rate of violent crime, how to fix the jury system, “overcriminalization” and the high rate of incarceration in the U.S.

The Employer Handbook

Labor and employment issues for employers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Posts cover actions of the National Labor Relations Board, critique corporations' social media policies and discuss how much the law protects trade secrets.

Trial Insider

Posts cover trials and decisions (mostly civil) from the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and federal courts in Northern California.


This blawgger opines on Illinois statutes, law-related current events, links to content on other legal blawgs he finds interesting. He'll also write the occasional movie review and post his photography.

Y’all Politics

"Y'all Politics is the definitive site on politics and law in Mississippi."