ABA Journal

Tips and Pitches

The ABA Journal considers queries from professional writers or from potential sources who wish to contact us regarding subjects that might be of interest to our readers. If you are interested in freelancing for the ABA Journal, we urge you to include your resumé and published clips when you contact us with story ideas. Please include only articles that conform to journalistic standards, with multiple sources and opposing points of view.

The ABA Journal also wants to host and facilitate conversations among lawyers about their profession. We are now accepting thoughtful, nonpromotional articles and commentary by unpaid contributors to run in the Your Voice and Mind Your Business sections of our website, ABAJournal.com. Read the Your Voice submissions policy. Read the Mind Your Business submissions policy.

For the magazine:

Freelance journalists and potential sources for the magazine should send queries to Kevin Davis by e-mail at [email protected] or by fax to (312) 988-6014.

For the website:

For news releases for ABAJournal.com please use the contact form.

For other ABA Publications:

If your submission doesn’t fit our criteria, you can try another of the ABA’s publications. They can be found here.

For those interested in advertising:

The advertising media kit can be requested here, or contact John O’Brien.