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A Message From Thomson Reuters Small Law Firm Management

Solo Attorneys are Most Likely to Be Sued for Malpractice – Find Out How to Beat the Odds

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If you’re a solo attorney, the odds are very much against you when it comes to avoiding a malpractice claim and in the likelihood you do get sued, it will be costly. Consider these alarming statistics:

    • The ABA reports1 that a whopping four out of five lawyers will get sued for malpractice at some point in their careers.
    • 70% of malpractice claims are filed against firms with one to five attorneys.

And the most challenging malpractice suit for lawyers to defend is a missed deadline. However, according to Minnesota Lawyers Mutual, it’s one of the most common claims. They say what makes it tough to defend is that the defendant must prove that the case had little or no merit. That’s difficult considering that if the case had no merit, they shouldn’t have taken it on in the first place.2

It’s no wonder Nerino Petro, Esq., technology co-editor for the ABA GP|Solo Magazine and CEO of a legal consulting firm, insists that lawyers should be anxious - very anxious - about deadlines.

“If you’ve never woken up in the middle of the night panicking that you might have blown a statute of limitations date, you’re in the wrong field,” he warns, “because that should be something that keeps you up at night.”

Find out how to beat the odds, and protect both your clients and your reputation in the process, by attending a free 30-minute webinar “4 Tips to Avoid Missed Deadlines and Malpractice Claims” hosted by Thomson Reuters and presented by attorney Joe Shields. Joe is a legal technology expert who will discuss:

    • The leading causes of solo malpractice claims
    • The ongoing repercussions of a malpractice suit
    • Four tips to avoid missed deadlines and the malpractice claims that come with them
    • What to look for—and what to avoid—in tools that help prevent a malpractice claim

It will be held at noon CST, Tuesday, March 27. Register here to secure your spot—and your peace of mind: 4 Tips to Avoid Missed Deadlines and Malpractice Claims.

1 ”Ways to avoid legal malpractice, as claims rise industry-wide,” Around the ABA, December, 2016

2 Lore, Michelle. “Malpractice Made Easy,” Small Firm Soapbox, August 9, 2016.

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