Posts analyze and discuss legal issues relevant to arms control, including actions of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
"'One really good idea every day' to help lawyers create the career and lives they love." Posts give advice on productivity, networking, marketing and rainmaking and discuss technology for the legal workplace.
Posts discuss cases dealing with the purchase, possession, import, export and smuggling of cultural artifacts, both in the United States and internationally.
Op-eds and first-person posts on criminal law topics and coverage of appellate criminal decisions. The blog ceased publishing on March 20, 2017. has summaries of search-and-seizure cases and news.
Posts feature insight and analysis about domain name disputes, online brand protection issues and other Internet legal issues.
Blog discusses cases in which golf plays a role, with a myriad of quirky and humorous results.
This blog focuses on white-collar crime, particularly federal prosecutions of corporate executives. Posts contain information about grand jury probes and current cases, as well as commentary on recent court decisions and legislation.
Along with documenting recent changes in Tennessee family law, this blog provides case studies of various issues that arise in marriage, divorce and custody cases. The blogger also provides a photo of the week and presents an annual CLE seminar to update practitioners about changes to Tennessee family law.
How Appealing calls itself the first blawg devoted to appellate litigation. Updated frequently throughout the day, it posts links to breaking legal news stories and important court decisions. The site is an affiliate of and also has links to its stories.
The author writes about his day-to-day experiences as a criminal defense attorney in Washington, D.C., including his appellate work and court-appointed work with juvenile clients. He also discusses happenings in the legal blogosphere.
Lawyer and longtime journalist Ambrogi takes a critical approach to new and revamped websites aimed at providing services to those in the legal profession. He kicks the tires, gauging how these sites do—or don’t—work for practitioners.
"The lawyering survival guide, featuring posts on blogging, careers, ethics, marketing, going paperless, practice management, starting a law firm, and technology." The blawg is in the Blawg 100 Hall of Fame. Lawyerist also produces an occasional newsletter, The Lawyerist Podcast (co-hosted by Sam Glover and Aaron Street) and the TBD Law events.
This blawg discusses recent court decisions and news stories related to legal ethics issues—lawyer advertising, attorney-client privilege, multijurisdictional practice—and follows news stories of allegations and trials related to lawyer or judicial misconduct.
"The tales and tribulations of a Philadelphia lawyer." Posts discuss the details of litigating and trying civil cases; productivity, office management and marketing; and some Philadelphia legal news.
"Dedicated to the demands and desires of solos and small law firms, the clients we serve and others in the legal profession who use our services or dream of going out on their own." This blog was started to help students and lawyers at firms who want to create unconventional practices and to provide a place for solos to trade advice and tout their successes.
"Generally, Mississippi law, politics, culture, and history, food, music, and literature. Anything else that catches either my attention or that of the readers could come up, too."
Post cover wine industry-focused liquor regulation and actions of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. They also note upcoming wine law-related CLEs.
This blawg "explores an American legal system that too often turns litigation into a weapon against guilty and innocent alike, erodes individual responsibility, rewards sharp practice, enriches its participants at the public's expense, and resists even modest efforts at reform and accountability."
Posts discuss estate planning in the state of Illinois, but also have general advice for anyone looking to arrange their will and finances to benefit their heirs. In 2015, the legal wrangling over former Cubs player Ernie Banks' estate was used as a case study to illustrate the pitfalls and practicalities of estate planning.
Ken White and his flock are fighting a holy war for free speech. His creed: You don't have the right not to be offended. The writing is clear, funny and instructive: Check out his semi-regular "lawsplainer" posts that offer his lawyerly take on the constitutional issues of the day.
Posts discuss topics such as non-compete agreements, whistle-blowing and harassment—from an employee's point of view.
Posts offer the author's jaded take on criminal justice news and issues within and sometimes beyond New York City’s borders.
Kelly Phillips Erb writes chatty posts about federal tax proposals that lawmakers are kicking around, and she gives her takes on whether they're worthwhile or likely to pass. She also warns readers of e-mail scams claiming to offer tax refunds.
First-person posts cover issues related to a small-firm lawyer's Arizona criminal defense practice.