Legal Rebels Profiles
: Founding free legal websites
Founder, Findlaw, San Francisco, California
: Tying legal aid to technology
Professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Mountain View, California
Matthew Stubenberg
Not Guilty
Hiring committee chairman , Pepper Hamilton, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Glendale, California
Changing government ‘on both ends’
Co-founder and CEO
San Francisco, California
Hertfordshire, England
New Orleans, Louisiana
Partner, Foley Hoag, Boston, Massachusetts
Access Legal
Phoenix, Arizona
: Silent No More
Plaintiff lawyer, Labaton Sucharow, New York, New York
: Working to make pro bono international
Partner, Dechert, Washington, D.C.
Founder and Executive Director
Six Parsecs
: Taking a business approach to legal education
Dean, Northwestern University Law School, Chicago, Illinois
Silicon Valley, California
Criminal District Court of Orleans Parish
New Orleans, Louisiana
Charles Kenji Whitehead
Cornell Law School
Ithaca, New York
: Designing software that helps lawyers work better and faster
Founder and chief technology officer, Derivative Services and docGenix, New York, New York