ABA Journal

Legal Rebels Profiles

Tim Stanley: Big Giver

: Founding free legal websites

Founder, Findlaw, San Francisco, California

Ronald Staudt: Web + Law = A2J

: Tying legal aid to technology

Professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois

Justia's Stacy Stern finds real profit in making things free (podcast)

Mountain View, California

Matthew Stubenberg: Creating tech solutions to increase justice


Matthew Stubenberg



Not Guilty



Career Conversations: Michael Subak, Pepper Hamilton

Hiring committee chairman , Pepper Hamilton, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Suh sees LegalZoom's job as fixing a 'failed' legal system (podcast)

Glendale, California

Manik Suri: Changing government on both ends


Changing government ‘on both ends’

Co-founder and CEO




San Francisco, California

Richard Susskind sees 'rosy future' for law--if it embraces technology (podcast)

Hertfordshire, England

Technology? 'It's here, it's good--do it,' Ernie Svenson urges (podcast)

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Deal Maker: Paul Sweeney, Foley Hoag

Partner, Foley Hoag, Boston, Massachusetts

Billie Tarascio: Her law firm is her lab



Access Legal


Phoenix, Arizona

Jordan Thomas Wrote the Rules on--and Represents--Whistleblowers

: Silent No More

Plaintiff lawyer, Labaton Sucharow, New York, New York

John Tredennick of Catalyst took the lead in the '80s to bring tech to his law firm (podcast)

Denver, Colorado

Suzanne E. Turner: Global Pro Bono

: Working to make pro bono international

Partner, Dechert, Washington, D.C.

Jae Um: A 'Star Wars' shortcut

Founder and Executive Director


Six Parsecs



David Van Zandt: Purple Praise

: Taking a business approach to legal education

Dean, Northwestern University Law School, Chicago, Illinois

CodeX co-founder caught the entrepreneurial bug at Stanford (podcast)

Silicon Valley, California

Laurie White: Using lifers to help other inmates re-enter society



Criminal District Court of Orleans Parish


New Orleans, Louisiana

Charles Kenji Whitehead: Teaching startup law as startup products start up


Charles Kenji Whitehead



Cornell Law School


Ithaca, New York

Michael Will: With the Program

: Designing software that helps lawyers work better and faster

Founder and chief technology officer, Derivative Services and docGenix, New York, New York
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