Legal Rebels Profiles
Managing Director
Burford Capital
: Code of Law
Policy Automation Specialist, Exeter Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Go to court without leaving home
University of Michigan Law School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
: Using media to free a client
Graduate, University of Southern California Law School, Los Angeles, California
Stanford, California
Court technology systems manager
Mohave County Superior Court IT
Mohave County, Arizona
: Incubating Law
Central Islip, New York
Georgetown University Law Center
Washington, D.C.
: Demanding increased value of services
Steering committee chair, ACC Value Challenge, San Francisco, California
CEO and Co-Founder
New York City, New York
vice president of online dispute resolution
Tyler Technologies
University of Technology Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Writing off legal troubles
Lit IQ
New York City, New York
: Bringing his state bar into the Internet age
Partner, Pullman & Comley, Hartford, Connecticut
: Designing a race-balanced law exam
Professor emeritus, University of California at Berkeley's Boalt Hall, Berkeley, California
: Revamping law school in a practical mode
Former dean, Washington & Lee School of Law, Lexington, Virginia