Web 100: Podcasts
Admit it: You listen to podcasts for fun. We won’t judge. But with so many lawyers trying their hand at the medium, it’s time to tune in and stay informed about the profession. And to have fun. (Here’s the 2017 list.)
Ag Law in the Field
NEW: Attorneys who are practicing in rural areas praise this podcast from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service blogger Tiffany Lashmet. “I like how practical and down-to-earth the host is,” adds Houston family lawyer Erin Callahan, president of the professional development organization Ms. JD.
Bribe, Swindle or Steal
NEW: Compliance consultant Alexandra Wrage probes corruption, fraud, money laundering, sanctions and other aspects of white-collar crime. “I am captivated,” Callahan says. “This kind of podcast makes me want to hit the subscribe button 10 times.”
NEW: Marketers Gyi Tsakalakis and Kelly Street chat about client development. Their lawyer interviews navigate the technical and ethical issues of digital marketing. “Good food for thought and fun listening,” says Keith Lee, the Alabama law blogger who founded LawyerSmack.
Corporate Homie Podcast
NEW: Thompson & Knight partner Demetra Liggins teams with her twin sister, banker Bemetra Simmons, to share thoughts on career advancement, networking and getting things done. “It provides real advice for the things people don’t want to talk about,” says Stevens & Lee shareholder Linda R. Evers.
Ear Hustle
NEW: Conceived as an inside-prison podcast at San Quentin, Ear Hustle quickly broke out. Earlonne Woods coaxes stories from fellow inmates such as Adnan Khan, who after a decade in prison finally saw his mom. “I will be binge-listening to this podcast for the next few weekends,” Callahan says.
The Gen Why Lawyer
Intellectual property attorney Karima Gulick shares founder Nicole Abboud’s curiosity about law practice. “They always have relevant topics and guests,” says LegalTechLIVE podcaster Nick Rishwain. “The podcast is consistent and informative.”
The Happy Lawyer Project
Dallas in-house lawyer Okeoma Moronu Schreiner is a thoughtful and authentic guide to alternative paths in law.
In the Dark
NEW: True crime podcast Serial was the gateway drug for many lawyers’ listening habits, and In the Dark follows its deep-dive format. Episodes probe a 27-year abduction investigation and the six murder trials of Curtis Flowers. Says Callahan, “I couldn’t stop listening! Captivating!” In November, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Flowers’ case.
Podcast judges

Erin C. Callahan, a lawyer in Houston, is president of Ms. JD, a nonprofit network of aspiring and early career women in law.
Photo courtesy of Erin C. Callahan.

Keith Lee, a lawyer in Birmingham, Alabama, founded the LawyerSmack private community for lawyers and the Associate’s Mind blog.
Photo by Charlene Lee.

Burton Padove maintains a solo practice in personal injury and family law in Highland, Indiana.
Photo by Susan Padove.