Court Security

2 cats roam courthouse dome, tasked with scaring pigeons away

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Maintenance director Mike Miller used to have to arrange to remove pigeon droppings from in front of the Boone County, Ind., courthouse on a daily basis. Now all he has to worry about is cleaning the kitty litter box.

In a creative approach to the pigeon problem, court officials housed two cats in the historic building’s upper regions. Boone and Panda are tasked with keeping a lookout for the birds through a window and scaring them away. Whenever they wish to take a stroll around the courthouse dome, a doggy door allows them to exit at will, reports WXIN.

“This is their home basically, all the way around the dome here,” Miller tells the station. His maintenance crew credits the feline duo not only with scaring pigeons away from the courthouse but all of downtown Lebanon.