Law in Popular Culture

A Challenge: Law Practice. 6 Words.

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A recent call in the blogosphere for readers to provide six-word descriptions of tax practice has made us wonder: How can law practice, in general, be described in six words?

A few possibilities come to mind: Pass bar. Get job. Make partner. Or perhaps, in these tough economic times, Pass bar. Hang shingle. Get clients.

Readers, surely you can think of other six-word descriptions that are edgier, wittier or simply a more accurate snapshot of law practice. Tell us your six-word descriptions of law practice in the comments section at the bottom of this post, and await possible accolades (or jeers) from your colleagues.

Earlier efforts to describe tax practice and the initial month of law school in six words are a tough act to follow:

Responding to a challenge by the TaxProf Blog, academics came up with winners including “1040: my 10, IRS takes 40,” authored by Chris Hoyt of the University Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, and “Apartment building. Shopping mall. Like kind,” for which Jim Maule of Villanova University School of Law deserves the credit or blame.

The tax blog’s contest was inspired by an article in the Journal of Legal Education, Why Am I Here? Six-Word Stories about the First Month of Law School. It was authored by legal writing instructor Mary Dunnewold of Hamline University School of Law and students there.

Underlying the various contests is a famous six-word Ernest Hemingway story, the TaxProf Blog notes: “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.”