Labor & Employment

Some retailers end on-call scheduling after probes by multiple states

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Attorneys general from eight states and Washington, D.C., are investigating a retailer scheduling practice described as unfair by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

In letters sent Wednesday, he and colleagues from California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Rhode Island ask 15 major companies about their on-call scheduling polices and seek payroll records and employee manuals, among other materials, reports Reuters.

They say requiring employees to call in the night before, or even a few hours ahead of time to determine whether they will be required to work their scheduled shifts is stressful, makes it hard to arrange child care and could violate state laws that require employees to be paid for a minimum amount of time if they work for part of a day, the article explains.

Schneiderman sent similar letters to more than a dozen companies last year, after which some discontinued on-call scheduling, Reuters reports. That shows that the practice is not a business necessity, the AG says.

The Associated Press and the Wall Street Journal (sub. req.) also have stories.

Company representatives contacted by the media said they did not use on-call scheduling or told a reporter that they would cooperate with the investigation. Some either declined to comment or did not respond to requests for comment.

The Albany Times-Union provides copies of the letters.