Are there any unused Katz puns for law review articles? Prof pounces on the issue
Law review authors writing about the Fourth Amendment can’t resist puns based on the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision Katz v. United States.
George Washington University law professor Orrin Kerr says he isn’t a fan of puns in titles, and he would like to see puns related to Katz nipped in the bud. Writing at the Volokh Conspiracy, he notes several punning titles from the last few years, including these:
• Is The Court Allergic To Katz? Problems Posed By New Methods Of Electronic Surveillance To The ‘Reasonable-Expectation-Of-Privacy’ Test
• United States v. Jones: Does Katz Still Have Nine Lives?
• Herding Katz: GPS Tracking And Society’s Expectations Of Privacy In The 21st Century
Kerr invites readers to come up with more Katz-themed titles. Commenters obliged with titles such as:
• Expanding Definition of ‘Consent’ Neuters Katz
• Skinning Katz: More Than One Way to the Fourth Amendment
• The Katz Pajamas: Saying Goodnight to Privacy in the Digital Age?
Hat tip to @David_Ingram.