Legal Technology

Avatars Help Litigators Select Juries in New iPad App

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Litigators selecting juries can quickly record juror information with a new iPad app called iJuror.

Software developer Scott Falbo designed the application with the help of his wife, Renee, a lawyer with Freid and Klawon in New York state, the Buffalo Law Journal reports. The story calls the app “a supercharged organizational tool for the jury-selection process.”

The app has drop-down menus allowing lawyers to quickly record information about each potential juror, according to a review at The app shows a digital seating chart for the potential jurors, each one represented by an avatar. Tap on the juror avatar to enter data such as name, employer, hometown and notes, TechnoEsq says. Then use drop down menus to note the juror’s age, sex, race, marital status, children and education, as well as whether the juror has police officers as family members, prior arrests, history as a crime victim, or former jury service.

“With a few flicks of the finger, an attorney can record a great amount of information for a civil or criminal trial and make better informed decisions in jury selection,” TechnoEsq says.

As jurors are chosen, the avatars can be moved to indicate their selection. When jurors are eliminated by peremptory challenges, the avatars can move them to folders indicating which side tossed them.

The iJuror app was developed by Front9Technologies and is available at the iTunes store at a limited-time price of $9.99, TechnoEsq says. The Buffalo Law Journal puts the price at $14.99.

The TechnoEsq review is one of a series of posts by the blog about iPad apps for lawyers.