Business of Law

How DLA Piper became the highest-grossing firm in only 9 years (video)

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After three years at the top of the American Lawyer revenue rankings, Baker & McKenzie has been dethroned. Kent Zimmermann, consultant to law firms for the Zeughauser Group, talks with Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia about how DLA Piper—a firm created via a 2005 merger between San Diego-based Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich, Chicago-based Piper Rudnick and London-based DLA—became the world’s highest-grossing law firm.

“DLA took a look at the opportunity to be a global firm, and when they did that, and when they were formed, just a little under nine years ago, many people said: ‘Is there room for another firm like that in the market? Is that going to be supported by demand on the client side?’ ” Zimmermann said. “Eight-and-a-half, nine years later, the answer is a resounding yes—so much so that not only has DLA survived but thrived to get to the top of the Am Law 100 rankings.”

See the video interview here.