Business of Law

Start-up UpCounsel raises $1.5M to expand its online atty marketplace outside of California (video)

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Matt Faustman, founder and CEO of legal services start up UpCounsel, talks to Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia about his company’s recent fundraising and expansion of service into New York.

UpCounsel, a 14-month-old California-based company, raised $1.5 million for its expansion. UpCounsel is an online marketplace for legal services, in which companies place a description of the legal work they need, and lawyers place bids to provide those services.

See the video interview here.

See also:

TechCrunch: “Online Attorney Marketplace UpCounsel Raises $1.5 Million, Opens Its Patent Practice To All”

Advocate’s Studio: “UpCounsel: Another Take on Online Marketplaces for Lawyers”

MyShingle: “Hey Baby, Our Platform or Yours?”