Cartoon Caption Contest

Cartoon Poll: Which caption best fits this lawyer-in-a-time-machine cartoon?

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Poll: Pick the caption that best fits this lawyer-in-a-time-machine cartoon:

In this month’s legal-themed cartoon of a lawyer taking a trip back in time, readers submitted more than 100 possible captions.

After winnowing down the list, here are the staff picks. Now it’s your turn to vote for the winning caption that will appear in an upcoming issue of the magazine. Read the post and add comments here. You can vote multiple times.

  • 36.77%
    "Quick! I need a couple of snappy Latin aphorisms for a brief I'm writing."
  • 8.5%
    "Excuse me, I'm searching for a legal precedent."
  • 54.73%
    "Unwilling to adapt to current law office technology, Fred was forced to relocate his practice."

In this month’s legal-themed cartoon of a lawyer taking a trip back in time, readers submitted more than 100 possible captions.

After winnowing down the list, here are the staff picks. Now it’s your turn to vote for the winning caption that will appear in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Vote in the cartoon poll for one of the below captions by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23:

• “Quick! I need a couple of snappy Latin aphorisms for a brief I’m writing.”—submitted by Gregory J. Lavorgna of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

• “Excuse me, I’m searching for a legal precedent.”—submitted by Julian Frazin

• “Unwilling to adapt to current law office technology, Fred was forced to relocate his practice.”—submitted by Milena Capezzuto of Scottsdale, Arizona

How to vote: Using our poll, select the caption you think best fits the scene depicted in the cartoon.

Voting period: Votes must be cast by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23.

What’s the prize? Bragging rights. Plus, the winning caption and credit to the caption writer will appear in an upcoming issue of the ABA Journal.

For complete rules, follow this link. To view past cartoons, check out this gallery or follow the Cartoon Caption Contest RSS feed.

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