Law in Peepular culture

Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Peeps in Law diorama contest

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For the second straight year, the winning diorama was submitted by the Harley-Davidson Financial Services Legal/Compliance Department.

We have a re-Peep winner!

The winner of our 10th annual and final Peeps in Law diorama contest is Mulbunny's First Day at the CFPB with 37.29 percent of the vote.

The Harley-Davidson Financial Services Legal/Compliance Department holds on to bragging rights. The group also won last year with Peepsburg and Sugarmayor.

Second place in this year’s contest went to Evicting a Very Strange Peep by McCue Law Office of Hampden, Maine, with 28.84 percent of the vote. In third place went to Government Shutdown at Mount Peepmore by Michelle Randall of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

The ABA Journal thanks everyone who submitted entries over the last decade and to all the voters who helped choose the winners.

Check out all of this year’s entries in this gallery, and see past years’ entries in the galleries below:

Rogue Peep (2017)

Peep Wars (2016)

Game of Peeps (2015)

Peeps in Law: Sugar Anniversary Edition (2014)

Peeps in Law (2013)

The Dark Peep Rises (2012)

Peeps in Law Story 3 (2011)

Peeps in Law Part Deux (2010)

Inaugural Peeps in Law (2009)