Contesting a traffic ticket? Getting divorced? Some jurisdictions use software to resolve the issues
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Some jurisdictions and companies are using software to help resolve personal injury claims, tax disputes, traffic tickets and divorce issues.
One company, Modria, is branching out after developing software to help eBay and PayPal solve customer complaints, the Associated Press reports.
Modria’s software is now used in several jurisdictions to help resolve appeals of property tax assessments. Its software is also being used by an arbitration association to resolve medical claims in some types of car crashes, and in the Netherlands to help couples going through a divorce.
The divorce software asks couples questions about their children and whether they want to co-parent. Areas of agreement are noted, and suggested values for spousal support are suggested. Areas of disagreement are negotiated, resulting in divorce papers that can be printed and reviewed by lawyers.
Another company, Court Innovations, offers software that helps resolve traffic tickets in four Michigan counties, according to the AP story. Those who receive a ticket for speeding or running a red light can provide an explanation online, which is reviewed by prosecutors who make a decision that can be rejected or accepted by the defendants.
Vanderbilt law professor Larry Bridgesmith tells AP that lawyers will have to adapt to the new technology. “If lawyers begin to understand that those are tools they can use to lower the costs of entry into the legal system … they can get back in the business of serving clients who are presently not served,” he said.
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