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Good-Looking Lawyers Make More Money, Researcher Says

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A researcher studying the impact of beauty has found that good-looking lawyers—like other professionals—make more money than their colleagues with lesser looks.

Economist Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas based his conclusion on the photographs of graduates of an unnamed law school. Those rated attractive in the photos went on to make more money than less-comely students, the Economist reports.

He also found that lawyers in private practice tended to be better looking than those who worked in government jobs.

Good looks could also translate into better rainmaking abilities, if Hamermesh’s research on Dutch advertising executives can be extrapolated to the legal profession. He found that advertising firms with the most good-looking executives also had the best revenues, when the results were adjusted for firm size.

In older studies in the U.S. and Canada, Hamermesh found that the premium for good looks, in all professions, was +5 percent for men and +4 percent for women.

A hat tip to Legal Blog Watch, which posted the story.