
Growing 'Scamblogger' Coalition Warns Away Wannabe Lawyers

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A growing number of legal bloggers are warning would-be lawyers to stay away from law school.

The expanding “scamblogger” coalition chronicles stories of unemployed and underpaid lawyers, Legal Blog Watch reports. The blog cites this post from Big Debt, Small Law as an example:

“We prefer not be crammed elbow to elbow in document review gulags for less money than an ex-con gets paid to stamp holes in sheet metal,” the blogger says. “We prefer not to run around toilet courts and haggle over $500 whiplash cases for $45K a year and no health benefits. Our sole purpose is to dissuade, deter and prevent more hapless lemmings from repeating the mistake of law school.”

Other dissatisfied lawyers are writing at Exposing the Law School Scam, JD Underdog, Temporary Attorney, Esq. Never, and Third Tier Reality.