U.S. Supreme Court

Half of Americans Expect Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care to Be Partisan, Poll Says

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Half of Americans surveyed believe U.S. Supreme Court justices will decide the health law case mainly on the basis of their partisan political views.

Forty percent, on the other hand, said they expect the justices to rule on the basis of the law, according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll. The Washington Post summarizes the poll of 1,103 adults taken in early April.

Conservative Republicans had more faith in the court than liberal Democrats. Fifty-eight percent of conservative Republicans said the court will rule based on the law, while 59 percent of liberal Democrats said the court will rule based on partisan political views, according to a chart published with the article.

Asked for their own views, 38 percent of the respondents would like the entire law overturned, 29 percent would like the insurance mandate struck down but the rest of the law upheld, and 25 percent would like the entire law upheld.