Labor & Employment

Herman Cain Denies All Claims of Sexual Harassment, Retains 'Pit Bull' Celebrity Libel Lawyer

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Following reported claims by four women that he sexually harassed them years ago when he headed the National Restaurant Association, Herman Cain continues to say all of the allegations are false.

And the Republican presidential candidate has hired celebrity libel lawyer Lin Wood, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“I’ve been brought in to bring an element of fairness to the accusations being brought against Mr. Cain,” the Atlanta practitioner said at a news conference with Cain today in Phoenix. While he hasn’t filed suit against anyone, Wood suggested that those making accusations should “think twice.”

Wood, fellow Atlanta practitioner Steve Sadow said, is “the pit bull you have chained to a stake guarding your house,” the newspaper reports.

Former clients of Wood include Kobe Bryant and former U.S. Rep. Gary Condit.

Condit was accused of having an affair with a missing intern, Chandra Levy, who was eventually determined to have been murdered by a stranger as she was apparently walking or jogging in a Washington, D.C., park. Condit filed multiple defamation suits related to the murder case.

At his Tuesday press conference, Cain blamed a smear campaign for the allegations against him and called claims by Sharon Bialek at a Monday press conference “baseless, bogus and false,” reports the Washington Post (reg. req.).

Additional and related coverage: “New Gloria Allred Client Accuses Herman Cain of Quid-Pro-Quo Sexual Harrassment Attempt”

CBS News: “Herman Cain: I’d take lie detector test to rebut Sharon Bialek claims”

Political Hotsheet (CBS News): “Karen Kraushaar interested in press conference with all Cain accusers”

Chicago Sun-Times: “Why now? Cain accuser says son, 13, told me to”

Chicago Tribune: “Cain accuser has history of financial troubles, legal squabbles”

National Public Radio: “Herman Cain: Accuser is someone ‘I didn’t recognize’”

Updated on Nov. 9 to link to Washington Post coverage.