How do you show your gratitude to clients and co-workers?
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Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it’s a great time to take a moment and reflect on what—or whom—you are grateful for.
Do you exchange gifts with your co-workers? Buy tokens of gratitude for your clients? Do you get thank-you gifts from your clients, or just notes?
Some offices have policies on giving and receiving gifts. A Practice Panther blog post says that’s a good idea. “Having a policy would give an attorney an ‘out’ if a client chose to gift her with an overly expensive gift. It would also help draw boundaries for attorneys who choose to give a gift.”
This week, we’d like to ask: How do you show your gratitude to clients and co-workers? How do they show that they’re thankful for you? What kinds of gifts have you received or given? Have you ever declined to accept an extravagant gift from a client or colleague?
Answer in the comments on our social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Check out last week’s question: How do you deal with workplace bullies?
And view some of last week’s answers from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Do you have an idea for a future Question of the Week? If so, contact us.
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