If You Could Create a Lawyer Superhero, What Would Be His / Her Name? Powers?
For our November issue, we asked pop culture writer and comic book aficionado Jesse Thompson for his picks of the top 10 lawyers in comics. Picks include She-Hulk, Batman’s Two-Face and some lesser-known illustrated lawyers.
So this week, we’d like to ask you: If you could create a lawyer superhero, what would you name him or her? What would his or her powers be? If you like, feel free to draw inspiration from the answers to a question of the week we asked years ago: If you could be a bionic lawyer, what would be your strength?
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: What Tasks—at Work or Home—Would You Outsource, If You Could? And What Would You Never Outsource?
Featured answer:
Posted by Cali-Lawyer: “I outsource housekeeping, yard and pool maintenance, and some laundry. Why? Because I only have so much time and I’d really rather do something else with the time I have. I won’t outsource cooking—I love to cook. I have no problem having someone else clean up after me! Of things I don’t currently outsource, I’d love to outsource bill-paying and record-keeping … it is drudgery.”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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