Question of the Week

If You Could Create a Lawyer Superhero, What Would Be His / Her Name? Powers?

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For our November issue, we asked pop culture writer and comic book aficionado Jesse Thompson for his picks of the top 10 lawyers in comics. Picks include She-Hulk, Batman’s Two-Face and some lesser-known illustrated lawyers.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: If you could create a lawyer superhero, what would you name him or her? What would his or her powers be? If you like, feel free to draw inspiration from the answers to a question of the week we asked years ago: If you could be a bionic lawyer, what would be your strength?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What Tasks—at Work or Home—Would You Outsource, If You Could? And What Would You Never Outsource?

Featured answer:

Posted by Cali-Lawyer: “I outsource housekeeping, yard and pool maintenance, and some laundry. Why? Because I only have so much time and I’d really rather do something else with the time I have. I won’t outsource cooking—I love to cook. I have no problem having someone else clean up after me! Of things I don’t currently outsource, I’d love to outsource bill-paying and record-keeping … it is drudgery.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.