Question of the Week

Is the bar exam a valuable test of law grads? Or an unnecessary expense for them?

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This week, we noted that the Iowa Supreme Court is considering waiving the bar exam for the graduates of its state’s law schools. The idea is to shorten the period between graduation and law practice, and to allow grads to save the money they would otherwise need for living expenses and bar review. At this point, only Wisconsin offers an in-state diploma privilege.

So we’d like to ask you: Is the bar exam a valuable test of law grads? Or an unnecessary expense for them?


Image from Shutterstock.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Are you aggressively planning for retirement, or do you hope to work as long as possible?

Featured answer:

Posted by KG1: “Ten or even five years ago, I’d have said I’ll happily continue practicing in my public sector agency until they wheel me out feet-first. But given the huge budget cuts, real wage losses and worst of all, disrespect that we public servants have endured over the last few years, I’d bail out right now if I could afford to. My current plan is to hang on, Congress willing, until I hit full retirement and not a minute longer. Then I will put my legal training to use doing something else I can love and feel contributes to making society a better, fairer place—perhaps as a volunteer child advocate in juvenile court, or as a volunteer elder-law adviser for a local aging agency.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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