Consumer Law

Law Firm Drops Suit Claiming Taco Bell Beef Isn’t So Meaty; Both Sides Claim Victory

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An Alabama law firm has dropped a class action lawsuit claiming Taco Bell ground beef contains fillers and should be labeled as “taco meat filling.”

Taco Bell views the decision as vindication, report CNN and the Associated Press. According to a statement by Taco Bell, the suit was dropped without any payments to the plaintiffs, and without any changes to Taco Bell’s products or advertising.

The statement quotes Taco Bell chief executive officer Greg Creed. “This sets the record straight about the high quality of our seasoned beef and the integrity of our advertising,” he said. “We are extremely proud of our food quality. We took great exception to the false claims made about our seasoned beef and wish the attorneys had contacted us before filing and publicizing a lawsuit that disparaged our brand.”

The law firm that filed the suit, Beasley Allen, also released a statement. The firm said it withdrew the suit after Taco Bell made changes to its marketing and product disclosure. “From the inception of this case, we stated that if Taco Bell would make certain changes regarding disclosure and marketing of its ‘seasoned beef’ product, the case could be dismissed,” lawyer Dee Miles said in the statement.

Taco Bell had taken out ads after the suit was filed saying its taco filling is 88 percent beef.

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