Work/Life Balance

Law Is Second-Most Sleep-Deprived Profession, Federal Survey Finds

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Lawyers rank second on a list of the most sleep-deprived occupations, just behind home health aides.

The findings come from the Sleepy’s mattress chain, which hired researchers to analyze the results of the national Health Interview Survey, according to the Economix blog of the New York Times. The occupations with the least average sleep are:

1) Home health aides, averaging six hours and 57 minutes.

2) Lawyers, averaging seven hours.

3) Police officers, averaging seven hours and one minute.

4) Physicians and paramedics, averaging seven hours and two minutes.

5) Coming in at a tie: economists, social workers and computer programmers, averaging seven hours and three minutes.

The occupation logging the most sleep: forest and logging workers, averaging seven hours and 20 minutes.

Hat tip to Above the Law, which views seven hours as a lot of sleep. “What the hell kind of lazy lawyer is getting seven entire hours of sleep every day?” the blog asks.