Business of Law

Lawyers Open Kiosk at Florida Mall, Offer Holiday Specials

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Shoppers at the Boynton Beach Mall in Florida can get some legal counseling during their quest for the perfect holiday gift.

Three lawyers have opened a kiosk called The Law Booth and they’re offering year-end specials, the Palm Beach Post reports. Through Dec. 31, 15-minute consultations are free and estate planning is $300.

The Law Booth is usually staffed from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., though a lawyer was available at 4 a.m. on Black Friday, the story says.

The lawyers behind the venture are Melva Rozier, Richard Carey and Paul Burkhart of Palm Beach County. “We wanted to take away some of the fear people have that if they pick up the phone to speak with an attorney that it will automatically cost them $500,” Burkhart told the Palm Beach Post.

Hat tip to Above the Law.