ABA Journal Podcast

Management on Social Media: Good Employee Communication Tool or Liability? (Podcast)

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Using social media is as easy as sending an e-mail and is quickly becoming the preferred way for many to communicate.

But is it the right platform for managers looking for ways to keep their employees informed and engaged? Or are they risking too much by exposing themselves and their companies to unnecessary liabilities?

Listen to ABA Journal Podcast moderator Stephanie Francis Ward as she guides experts through a discussion of what employment lawyers are telling clients about Web 2.0 and whether that advice is out of date. Business of Law reporter Rachel Zahorsky (@LawScribbler) tweeted their conversation live using the Twitter hashtag #ABAJchat. Meet our guests:


Alejandro Caffarelli is a partner with Chicago’s Caffarelli & Siegel. He represents plaintiffs and management in employment disputes, and he is president of the National Employment Lawyers Association’s Illinois chapter.


Margaret (Molly) DiBianca is an associate at Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor. The Wilmington, Del., lawyer trains management on best employment practices, and writes at the Delaware Employment Law Blog.


Rex Gradeless, a 2009 graduate of Saint Louis University School of Law, blogs at Social Media Law Student. You can also find him on Twitter—where he has more than 76,000 followers—using the handle “Rex7.”


Garry G. Mathiason is a senior shareholder at Littler Mendelson. The San Francisco lawyer supervises the firm’s employment and litigation matters.

Listen to previous ABA Journal podcasts here.

In This Podcast: