Men Outnumber Women at Most Top Law Schools, But the Imbalance Is Greater at B-Schools
Women pursuing higher degrees are more likely to go law or medical school than business school, but they still make up less than half of the students at most high-profile law schools.
Some MBA programs enroll three times as many men as women, Poets and Quants reports. A chart of the top 25 business schools also shows the figures for law enrollment. Women outnumber men at only two of the law schools listed—the University of California at Berkeley and the University of North Carolina.
Here are the percentages for female enrollment for the top 10 law schools in U.S. News that are listed on the Poets and Quants chart:
1) Yale, 49.3 percent
2) Harvard, 48 percent
3) Stanford, 45 percent
4) Columbia, 48.5 percent women
5) University of Chicago, 44.3 percent
6) New York University, 42.6 percent
7) University of Michigan, 44.6 percent
7) University of Pennsylvania, 47.6 percent
9) University of California at Berkeley, 52.9 percent
9) University of Virginia, 44.8 percent
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