Internet Law

Partner Proclaims Victory Despite Dismissal of Law Firm's Google Adwords Suit

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A Connecticut judge has dismissed an advertising complaint brought against Google by a New Haven personal injury firm, agreeing with the Internet search engine giant that the lawsuit should have been pursued in federal court rather than state court.

But partner Michael Stratton of Stratton Faxon is proclaiming victory even though he says this will be the end of the firm’s litigation against Google, reports the Media Post.

“Our objectives had been achieved,” Stratton tells the the publication. “Nobody dares buy our name from Google AdWords at this point.”

At issue in this case (and other ongoing litigation by third parties unrelated to the law firm) is Google’s reported practice of allowing competitors to purchase trademarked business names for advertising purposes, to gain prominence for their own enterprise in Internet searches by potential clients and customers

Related earlier coverage: “PI Attorneys Sue Google Over ‘Adwords’ Sale of Law Firm Name to Competitor” “Plaintiff Law Firm Bought Competitor Keywords, Too, Argues Defense in Web Ad Suit”