Trials & Litigation

Punished in custody battle after nixing son's demand for Mickey D's meal, law grad sues psychologist

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David Schorr says he thought he was doing the right thing by refusing to give in when his 4-year-old son threw a temper tantrum because they weren’t going to have dinner at a McDonald’s restaurant in New York City.

The New York University law graduate and former corporate attorney says he offered to have dinner at another restaurant, but the boy refused and went without a meal. Unfortunately for Schorr, his son’s complaint was more favorably received by his soon-to-be ex-wife when the child returned to her hungry. She promptly took him to a nearby Mickey D’s for dinner and asked a court-appointed psychologist to weigh in, Schorr recounts. After questioning the father, the psychologist recommended a reduction in his visitation due to his claimed inability to handle his son, reports the New York Daily News.

After the incident, “I did what any 43-year-old Jewish man would do—I told my mother. I said, ‘My God, did I do something wrong here?’ ” Schorr tells the newspaper. But he found no safe harbor there.

“Even my mother, the strictest mother in the world, said, ‘Why didn’t you just take him to McDonald’s? What were you thinking? You know that this is a divorce situation,’ ” he recounts.

Schorr, who is representing himself in the case, also filed a defamation suit against the court-appointed psychologist, Marilyn Schiller. She and a lawyer for Schorr’s wife declined to comment.

The article says his wife is seeking a judgment for claimed unpaid child support from Schorr, who oversees a family company and teaches a class on employee benefits at a local university.

Schorr says he has learned his lesson and will not hesitate to eat at McDonald’s with his son in the future.