Sperm Donor Who Claims Parental Rights Seeks Cert
A sperm donor who lost his bid for parental rights is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his appeal.
The Kansas Supreme Court ruled against Daryl Hendrix in a 4-2 opinion released in October, the Associated Press reports. The court upheld a Kansas law that says sperm donors have no parental rights unless there is a written agreement to the contrary.
Hendrix had claimed he had an oral agreement with his twins’ mother, lawyer Samantha Harrington, to share custody.
Jeffrey Leving, a lawyer who promotes fathers’ rights, represents Hendrix.
“This is a very significant case, not only for the world of fathers’ rights, but also for the rights and fair treatment of children,” Leving told AP. “Many fathers are criticized for not being there. Here we have a father who wants to help, but he was cut off at the knees.”
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