Still no suspects named in fatal shooting of law prof
Tallahassee police have not yet named any suspects or persons of interest in the slaying of Florida State University law professor Dan Markel, who was shot a month ago Monday.
Police spokesman David Northway tells the Tallahassee Democrat that the investigation is ongoing and there are no updates at this time. “We are actively investigating,” Northway said. “We will not rest until we bring this case to a close.”
There is no information on a potential motive, and no new information on the “vehicle of interest,” a silver compact car caught on videotape. Markel died from a gunshot wound to the head, and police say he appeared to be the intended victim. A neighbor called police after finding Markel bleeding in the car in his garage on July 18.
A visiting professor is teaching Markel’s criminal procedure class, while his seminar students are enrolled in different seminars.
Prior coverage: “Speculation abounds in law prof’s slaying; delayed response to his shooting questioned”
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