Teach-out plan approved for Arizona Summit with closure date set for end of spring 2020
A new teach-out plan from InfiLaw’s Arizona Summit Law School has been approved by the council of the ABA’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.
Notice of the approval was posted on the section’s website. The for-profit law school will continue with ABA accreditation through the spring 2020 term, “for the limited purpose” of granting degrees to students who complete their coursework as transient students at other law schools. If Arizona Summit does not honor the teach-out agreement, or its Arizona license is “withdrawn or terminated,” the notice states, the council has authority to remove the law school’s accreditation earlier than the end of the spring 2020 term.
In September, the council rejected a proposed teach-out agreement where the remaining Arizona Summit students would finish coursework for their degrees at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. The teach-out agreement was incomplete and not executed by the parties, according to the earlier ABA notice.
Peter Goplerud, Arizona Summit’s interim president, did not respond to an ABA Journal interview request. In October, he said the school had 22 remaining students.
InfiLaw started three law schools—Arizona Summit, the now-shuttered Charlotte School of Law, and the Florida Coastal School of Law, which remains open. Of those three law schools, all of which filed federal due process lawsuits against the ABA in May, only Florida Coastal has not been placed on probation by the ABA.