
Tired of Law Practice? You Can Still Work at a Law Firm

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Tired of generating billable hours and originating business? Even if you want to leave law practice, you don’t have to leave your law firm.

Writing in the Legal Intelligencer, two law firm administrators say there are several administrative jobs in law firms that are a good fit for lawyers. They include jobs in marketing, recruiting, professional development, pro bono, diversity, client relations and human resources.

Those who make the leap to administrative jobs will need to draw on a special set of skills, including patience and creativity. The article quotes Shellee Buchanan, who jumped from law practice to law firm event planning, who points out other helpful traits.

“Organizational, technical, analytical and time management skills are all necessary, but diplomacy, communication skills and a healthy dose of emotional intelligence rank up there too,” Buchanan says.

The authors of the article are Leslie Kart Gross, director of communications for Saul Ewing, and Jennifer Smuts, director of marketing at Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz.

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