Goldstein of SCOTUSblog Is ‘Attorney, Blogger, Walking Sound-Bite Machine’
The lawyer who founded SCOTUSblog was in big demand after the announcement that Sonia Sotomayor had been tapped as the next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tom Goldstein—“attorney, blogger, walking sound-bite machine”—spoke to three television networks and numerous print and wire reporters, the Washington Post reports. “What makes the brash and balding 38-year-old such a hot media property is, the website he founded six years ago to obsessively track the high court,” the story says.
Goldstein wrote a SCOTUSblog post on the four likely lines of attack against Sotomayor an hour before news reports revealed that the federal appeals judge was the nominee. “I was out there on a limb,” Goldstein tells the Post.
Goldstein is an appellate litigator with Akin Gump who has argued 21 Supreme Court cases. He spends $100,000 a year of his own money to fund the website, staffed by nine lawyers and researchers, including former Baltimore Sun Supreme Court reporter Lyle Denniston.
Will Sotomayor be confirmed? Goldstein, of course, has an opinion. She will easily pass muster, he told the Post, “unless someone finds a love child.”
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