Law in Peepular Culture

Vote for your favorite Peeps in Law 2015 diorama!

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Game of Peeps

Poll: Which Peeps in Law 2015 diorama should win?

Click here to see the photo gallery with the dioramas.

  • 0.65%
  • 3.06%
    Boston Peep Party
  • 0.47%
    Eco-Peep Tries to Save the Northern Spotted Owl
  • 0.95%
    Edgar Allen Peep's "The Raven"
  • 5.08%
    Hall of Peep-idents
  • 3.21%
    Kid Peep on Trial
  • 6.87%
    Lochner's Home Bakery
  • 35.73%
  • 0.27%
    Peeple Call for Impeepchment of Unpopular Mayor
  • 1.27%
    Schmuhl Problem
  • 0.9%
    The ABA's Priorities
  • 14.57%
    The Case of Rapper Peep-Lawless-Peep
  • 12.72%
    The Case of the Stolen Peep-berge Eggs
  • 6.95%
    The White Horse In Yugoslavia Defense
  • 7.3%
    Vladimir Peeptin

The entries are in, and it is time for you to decide which of the Peeps in Law 2015: Game of Peeps entries is worthy of the Sugar Throne! This year, instead of picking finalists, we’ve decided to open the field and let our readers vote for any of the accepted dioramas.

You will have until midnight April 5 to vote on which of our Peeps in Law dioramas deserves the grand prize and eternal glory, and we will announce the winners on April 7. You’ll need to vote on a computer or laptop; the poll will not appear on your mobile device. The top three dioramas will receive bragging rights from the ABA Journal and prizes from Just Born, the makers of Peeps. You can see the full contest rules here.

You can view all the entries in this photo gallery, or refresh your memory with the thumbnails below, before voting for your favorite.

peeps #BlurredPeeps, Boston Peep Party and Eco-Peep Tries to Save the Northern Spotted Owl.

peeps Edgar Allen Peep’s The Raven, Hall of Peep-idents and Kid Peep on Trial.

peeps Lochner’s Home Bakery, Peeple Call for Impeepchment of Unpopular Mayor and Peepzilla.

peeps Schmuhl Problem, The ABA’s Priorities and The Case of Rapper Peep-Lawless-Peep.

peeps The Case of the Stolen Peep-berge Eggs, The White Horse In Yugoslavia Defense: A Tribute To the Oral Argument Analogies of Justice Breyer and Vladimir Peeptin: International Law Breaker and Horse-Riding Enthusiast.

May the best Peeps win!

Related galleries:

Game of Peeps: 2015 Peeps in Law Gallery

Peeps in Law 2014: Sugar Anniversary Edition: 2014 Peeps in Law Gallery

Peeps in Law 2013: 2013 Peeps in Law Gallery.

The Dark Peep Rises: 2012 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Peeps in Law Story 3: 2011 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Peeps in Law Part Deux: 2010 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Inaugural Peeps in Law: 2009 Peeps in Law Gallery.

Updated on April 9 to remove a diorama slide from the photo gallery, upon the maker’s request.