Who's More Equipped to Prompt Change: Clients or Lawyers?
We heard this week at the Georgetown Law Firm Evolution symposium that there’s a general expectation from in-house lawyers that private firms should lead the charge to collaborate and come up with creative solutions.
But the law firms think it’s general counsel who should lead the way.
This made us wonder what’s prompted you to make changes in your practice: You or your clients?
Do you wait for client demand, or are you the one to first propose changes?
Share examples—from fee arrangements to increased efficiencies you’ve put in place—in the comments.
Read answers to last week’s question: How Many Hours Per Week Do You Telecommute?
Featured answer:
Posted by Attygirl: “Actually, I get MORE done at home. No interruptions. No socializing. Nothing to distract me except laundry, and who wants to do laundry? Not me. 50 plus hours.”
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