ABA Journal

Search Results

Results for: 8.4(g)

Your Voice

The ABA needs ideological diversity to ensure its future

ABA Insider

Board of Governors candidates share their motivations to serve

First Amendment

Judge blocks ethics rule banning bias by lawyers, warns of arbiters deciding ‘who and what offends’


Ethics opinion helps define ABA guidance on professional misconduct


Suit claims anti-bias ethics rule infringes lawyer’s free speech rights


New formal ethics opinion gives additional guidance on harassment and discrimination


Lawyer reprimanded for discriminatory statements about Chinese optometrist


Second state adopts ABA model rule barring discrimination and harassment by lawyers

Law Scribbler

Be competent in AI before adopting, integrating it into your practice

Legal Ethics

California approves major revision to attorney ethics rules, hewing closer to ABA Model Rules

Annual Meeting

ABA Annual Meeting to kick off with appearance by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein


Lawyer representing neo-Nazis declares that ‘white people are the chosen people’


States split on new ABA Model Rule limiting harassing or discriminatory conduct

Legal Ethics

Montana legislature says ABA model rule on discrimination and harassment violates First Amendment

Legal Ethics

ABA model rule deeming discrimination and harassment misconduct violates free speech, Texas AG says

Legal Ethics

Workplace bias would be an ethics violation under proposed ABA model rule

Legal Ethics

Suspension Likely for Lawyer Who Made Improper Remarks to Female Clients

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