ABA Journal

Search Results

Results for: "Dispute resolution"


Accused of ‘overly harsh’ management style, federal judge agrees to counseling

Your Voice

A return to civil, pragmatic conflict resolution


Lawyer who wrote on ethics issues is suspended after he is accused of helping client hide assets


Judge sticks with $268K sanction for fake news article lawyer filed with appeals court

Year in Review

Start 2024 off right with these 12 Mind Your Business columns

Law Firms

‘Immature sniping’ by BigLaw lawyers could lead to sanctions if it continues, federal judge says

Law Firms

Polsinelli defendant ‘vehemently denies’ sex harassment after another ‘strongly denies’ such conduct

Law Firms

Former partner’s lawsuit claims are ‘legally and factually deficient,’ Polsinelli says


Lawyer accused of submitting fake news article isn’t sure whether judge signed $268K sanction order

The Modern Law Library

Transform your negotiations with a ‘win-win-win’ mindset, says author

ABA Annual Meeting

New Heights: ABA leaders share visions for the association’s future

Elder Law

Elder law attorney sues guardianship reform advocate for alleged libel

Regulatory Practice

Alston & Bird resolves dispute over legal advice during pandemic

Law Firms

Crowell & Moring will withdraw in Humana litigation after Walgreens alleges ‘betrayal’

Access to Justice

Nonlawyer advocates can help tenants facing eviction in program approved in 2 states

Law Schools

These law schools did best in blog’s ‘omnibus specialty rankings’ based on US News data

Legal Education

Slate for next term announced by ABA Legal Ed council

Law Firms

Walgreens alleges Crowell & Moring engaged in ‘unethical side-switching,’ leading to $642M arbitration loss

Law Firms

Judge chastises BigLaw lawyers for making demands after opposing counsel seeks delay for newborn


MyPillow CEO’s $5M ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ election-fraud challenge leads to arbitration win for claimant

President's Letter

Law Day Lessons: Civility, collaboration remain the answer to a better society

ABA Midyear Meeting

Warm Welcome: ABA leaders tout accomplishments and encourage outreach


Colorado man faces $300K bond after suing, threatening multiple judges

Law Firms

Former BigLaw partner must pay attorney fees to firm that are about $446K greater than his award, judge says


9th Circuit blocks California’s ban on forced arbitration agreements in workplace disputes

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