ABA Journal

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Results for: "family law"


Judges ‘do not do double duty as sheriffs,’ 4th Circuit says in denying judicial immunity for home search

Criminal Justice

Bank robber who became Georgetown Law prof faces new criminal charges

Immigration Law

Migrant family-separation settlement provides path to asylum, 8-year ban on Trump-era policy


California aims to expand mental health treatment with new conservatorship definition of ‘gravely disabled’

Criminal Justice

Lawyer said to have BigLaw connection arrested after young children found alone at beach

Criiminal Justice

Former Cohen Milstein partner pleads guilty to child-porn possession

In-house Counsel

Charge of attempted strangulation precedes general counsel’s ouster


Ex-BigLaw partner shown in tirade videos sues influencer for allegedly destroying his career

The Modern Law Library

Complex litigation judge has 50 ideas to simplify the courts

Elder Law

Elder law attorney sues guardianship reform advocate for alleged libel

LGBTQ Legal Issues

Alabama can enforce ban on transition treatment for transgender minors, 11th Circuit says


Shadow Foster Care

Members Who Inspire

Community Veteran Justice Project founder helps vets navigate legal needs

Children & the Law

Advocates support use of kinship caregivers in child welfare cases

The Modern Law Library

Is family court too flawed to be fixed?

Criminal Justice

Federal judge’s ‘people like you’ comments don’t require sentence reversal, 7th Circuit says


Ex-judge agrees to disbarment after she is accused of stealing money from former Tuskegee Airman


Judge recuses after he is accused of declaring that Middle Eastern men are abusive

Health Law

3 judges block state restrictions on gender-affirming health care in 1 week’s time

Law Firms

BigLaw partner resigns after terminally ill ex-wife posted videos of his tirades


Lawyer for federal appeals judge barred from new cases finds orders ‘incredible’ and ‘stunning’

Trials & Litigation

We ‘live on a pro se planet;’ 5th Circuit allows parents to sometimes represent children without lawyers

News Roundup

Weekly Briefs: ‘Zero matrimonial knowledge’ judge gets reprimand; judge adopts AI policy

Your Voice

Fill the ‘Justice Gap’: Victims of domestic violence need your pro bono legal help

10 Questions

Despite epic success and a legendary reputation, this BigLaw founder isn’t resting on his laurels

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