ABA Journal

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Results for: "lawyer wellness"

Your Voice

How bystanders can stand up to sexual harassment in the law office

Question of the Week

How do you keep down your stress levels at the office?

On Well-Being

6 steps to starting meditation: Don’t overprepare—just dive in

Lawyer Wellness

Kirkland & Ellis hires director of well-being and plans apps to help increase resilience

Asked and Answered

Amped Up: ADHD med abuse in the legal profession

Your Voice

However you spell it, ‘humor’ or ‘humour’ is admissible in law practice

Your Voice

How to shift from bad to good stress and protect innovation in law practice

Legal Education

30% of young lawyers in this state wouldn’t go to law school in a do-over


Fear and Lawyering: Create a work culture of ‘psychological safety’ that encourages taking intellectual and creative risks

On Well-Being

Rethinking Reactions to Stress: You can’t control the sources of your anxiety—only your response

Lawyer Wellness

BigLaw global chairman’s death after leave for health issues highlights stress of law practice


Would millennial lawyers trade pay for better work-life balance? A significant percentage say yes

On Well-Being

Day-to-day reality of depression may not look like you think

Law Firms

Firm uses minorities as ‘diversity props’ to impress clients, suit alleges

On Well-Being

Self-care isn’t selfish and can actually help your performance

Opening Statements

10 Questions: This single mother of 5 overcame a lifetime of obstacles to become a lawyer

President's Message

It’s time to promote our health

On Well-Being

Lawyers on balancing motherhood or choosing a child-free life

Work-Life Balance

For Law Student Mental Health Day, ABA groups focus on ways to promote well-being

Your Voice

I am a woman who left the law

10 Questions

From courtroom to concert stage, this criminal defense lawyer uses her voice to push for reform

On Well-Being

Tales of addiction: What every attorney should know about alcohol and substance abuse

On Well-Being

Relaxing the anxious lawyer brain takes practice

Members Who Inspire

Showrunners: Couple’s friendly fundraising competition launches marathon event

Asked and Answered: Lived and Learned

Why laughter belongs in your work life (podcast)

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