ABA Journal

Search Results

Results for: "lawyer wellness"

Your Voice

My career approach could have killed me

Your Voice

Creating Space at the Table: Succeeding as a female in the still-male-dominated field of law

Your Voice

Identifying and eliminating implicit bias toward psychiatric disabilities in the legal profession

Lawyer Wellness

Mental health initiatives aren’t curbing lawyer stress and anxiety, new study shows

Your Voice

Law schools should take on students’ mental health and substance use from day one

Lawyer Wellness

Michigan justice encourages struggling lawyers to get help as he announces mental health treatment

Law Firms

Lawyers report high level of satisfaction with their jobs, but stress remains an issue, survey finds

Your Voice

Why you should unlearn certain valuable legal skills

Law Firms

BigLaw associate’s admonition to be available 24/7 with ‘no exceptions, no excuses’ goes viral

In-House Counsel

Most deputy general counsel dissatisfied in current roles, new study shows


Law is the most stressful profession, newspaper’s analysis finds

Your Voice

How lawyers can pursue a ‘wonderful life’

The Modern Law Library

This lawyer tackled lifelong anxiety to free herself from ‘The Box’

Year in Review: Your Voice

Top 8 Your Voice columns of 2022

Year in Review

Poll: Which ABA Journal magazine cover from 2022 was your favorite?

Lawyer Wellness

Firms are employing burnout advisers to keep their attorneys from getting overwhelmed

Ross Writing Contest For Legal Short Fiction

Read the 2022 winner of the Ross Writing Contest for Legal Short Fiction: ‘Dope Fiend’

Law Firms

Some law firms tie in-person work to bonuses and job retention amid demand slowdown

Asked and Answered

Stressed about holiday parties? Think about skipping them, says lawyer in recovery


Summer associates praise their ‘lifestyle firms,’ even as some midlevels describe them as ‘veritable sweatshops’

Lawyer Wellness

Lawyers still report burnout, but it’s not as bad as the final months of 2021

Women in the Law

Responses wanted: Motherhood penalty and caregiver bias will be evaluated in new ABA survey

Your Voice

4 techniques for lawyers to find instant relief from stress

Your Voice

Unbroken: A call for psychiatric disability initiatives in the legal profession


What makes associates happy? Partners and billable-hour expectations are key

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