ABA Journal

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Results for: alternative business structures

Law Firms

BigLaw firm gets UK approval for nonlawyer partners and outside investment


Political unrest, violence have forced millions to migrate and seek protection of the rule of law

Marked for Life

Formerly incarcerated people are building their own businesses and giving others second chances

Cover Story

Some law schools offer tech programs to help students find jobs, but does it work?

Cover Story

Other People’s Money: Rise of litigation finance companies raises legal and ethical concerns

Business of Law

KPMG aims to employ 3,000 lawyers within the next few years


Dan Linna: Taking the measure of legal innovation


Should BigLaw firms worry about increasing competition from the Big Four accounting firms?

Business of Law

New firm looks to embrace blockchain technology ethos


Can legal service outsourcing get adopted beyond document review?

Law Firms

Ban on nonlawyer investment in law firms doesn’t violate right of association, 2nd Circuit rules

New Normal

Build legal tech tools with actual lawyers in mind

Building the 21st-Cenury Law Firm

8 strategies for constructing your new law firm

Your ABA

ABA commission’s recommendations seek to close the access-to-justice gap

Your ABA

Future of Legal Services papers prompt comments but little consensus

Law Practice Management

Non-lawyer ownership laws in UK allow some firms to thrive

ABA Annual Meeting

Can the access-to-justice gap be closed? These recommendations might make it possible

New Normal

Associate salary increases may not be good business

Question of the Week

Is nonlawyer ownership of law firms long overdue? Or a bad idea?

Legal Ethics

Should nonlawyers be allowed to own law firms? ABA commission revisits the issue

Cover Story

How artificial intelligence is transforming the legal profession

Business of Law

LegalZoom is acquiring a UK law firm

Cover Story

What the jobs are: New tech and client needs create a new field of legal operations


Roundtable on change and challenge in the business of law


The Rise of the Megafirm

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