ABA Journal

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Results for: drug mifepristone


5th Circuit becomes ‘proving ground’ for aggressive arguments by conservatives

The National Pulse

Forum shopping happens, but has the Northern District of Texas gone too far?

U.S. Supreme Court

Justice Thomas questions associational standing; would his view end diversity challenges?

U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court will consider whether FDA wrongly expanded access to abortion drug mifepristone

Privacy Law

Standing by in case of ‘dystopian problems,’ court allows use of keyword search data to find suspects

House of Delegates

Delegates share emotional testimony on women’s health and abortion

Religious Law

Lawyers avoid mandatory religious liberty instruction, for now

Health Law

‘I don’t understand this theme that FDA can do no wrong,’ says 5th Circuit judge on mifepristone approval


Judge who blocked access to abortion pill has unusual redaction in financial disclosure forms

U.S. Supreme Court

Alito ‘packed a lot of grievance’ in dissent as Supreme Court allows access to abortion pill—for now

U.S. Supreme Court

Alito keeps abortion drug access in place to give SCOTUS more time to act on emergency request


Judge in abortion pill case substituted other names on controversial article before nomination to bench

U.S. Supreme Court

Justice Alito keeps full access to mifepristone in place pending briefing next week

Health Law

Why the 5th Circuit is allowing abortion pill sales but pausing expanded access to the drug

Health Law

One mifepristone decision ‘runs roughshod’ over procedural issues, the other ‘is no better,’ law profs say

Health Law

Can court ban abortion pill? Federal judge considers authority, plaintiffs’ standing


Meet the Texas judge who is a favorite of conservatives in hot-button lawsuits, including abortion-pill litigation

Health Law

As 2 top state courts allow abortion limits, court filing says a third can’t stop sale of abortion pills

U.S. Supreme Court

Biden doesn’t support Supreme Court expansion, press secretary says

Constitutional Law

States can’t restrict abortions outside their borders, ban abortion pills based on FDA disagreement, AG Garland says

Health Law

Can Mississippi trump FDA regulations to restrict abortion pills? Federal judge considers the issue

U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court reinstates requirement for women seeking abortion drug to get it in person

Health Law

Founder of online abortion-pill service says she won’t turn anyone away, despite FDA warning

National Pulse

Dutch doctor’s abortion-drug prescription service faces legal landmines

Criminal Justice

Murder charge is dropped against woman accused of buying drug online to end her pregnancy

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Justia drug+mifepristone

Total results: 160

Lawyers, Gun$ & Money

Wingnut venue shopping

Daily Kos

With lawsuits and legislation, Texas GOP takes aim at abortion pills

Matt Mangino

Chief Justice: Reject 'dangerous' talk of ignoring court rulings

Daily Kos

Texas' abortion pill lawsuit marks new challenge to interstate telemedicine


Did Donald Trump Win the Election With “Abortion Federalism”? And Will He Really Keep His “Federalism Pledge”?

New Jersey Appellate Law

Editorial- The 2024 Presidential Election


Attorney General James Urges Federal Court to Reverse Restrictions on Access to Abortion Medication Mifepristone


The Chief Justice Roberts Who Stood Up Last Term Was More Interested in Advancing a Conservative Legal Agenda than Promoting Judicial Statesmanship: Part Two


The Second Circuit Should Reverse a Misguided “Abortion Pill Reversal” Ruling

Lawyers, Gun$ & Money

Trump accidentally tells the truth about one of his anti-abortion positions


The Implications of New York’s Proposed Equal Rights Amendment for Abortion

Religion Clause

States Lack Standing to Challenge FDA's Rules on Dispensing of Abortion Pill


In the Wake of Biden’s Withdrawal, We Should Remember That the Republican Convention Delivered a Masterclass in Hiding the Ball and Lying by Omission


The 2023-24 Supreme Court That Was—And Wasn’t

Health Industry Washington Watch

Supreme Court Decision Leaves FDA Approval of Mifepristone Untouched, But For How Long?

Blog of Rights

Overturning Roe is Just the Beginning

Blog of Rights

The Supreme Court Rejected an Attack on Medication Abortion, But the Fight Is Far From Over.

Wise Law Blog

Wise Law's Legal Headlines for the week of June 17, 2024

JDs Rising

Abortion pill still available, but foes say fight not over

Daily Kos

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Access to medical abortion is preserved—for now

Religion Clause

Supreme Court Says Plaintiffs Lack Standing To Challenge FDA's Rules on Abortion Drugs

Constitutional Law Prof Blog

SCOTUS Says Docs, Orgs Lack Standing to Challenge Mifepristone

Daily Kos

Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion pills

Lawyers, Gun$ & Money

There will be blood

Religion Clause

Louisiana Legislature Bans Fraudulently Giving Women Abortion Pills; Reclassifies Abortion Pills as Dangerous Drugs