ABA Journal

Search Results

Results for: leadership

Lawyer Wellness

17% of BigLaw lawyers and employees feel emotionally depleted by work, survey finds

Law Firms

Where did Stroock go wrong? And what is it doing right? Dissolution spurs critiques

Your Voice

The ABA Well-Being Pledge Turns 5: Progress made, progress needed

Law Firms

Citing its ‘value system,’ Davis Polk rescinds 3 job offers over groups’ anti-Israel statements

Law Firms

Winston & Strawn rescinds NYU law student’s job offer over ‘inflammatory’ Israel comments


Second BigLaw firm changes diversity fellowship after changes by first lead to suit dismissal

Your Voice

Lawyer and military vet now fights his biggest battle: ALS

10 Questions

Former NSA and CIA general counsel has made it her mission to strengthen national security through civic education

Religious Law

School must recognize Christian student club with anti-same-sex-marriage affirmation, en banc appeals court says


Florida’s governor suspends another elected prosecutor, citing neglect of duty to prosecute

The National Pulse

High-risk, high-reward world of mass torts is a billion-dollar business


Alpha Brady is the new ABA executive director

A Message From Raistone

How Raistone helped Kodak Law achieve 20X growth via working capital solutions


GOP senator informs BigLaw firms how to advise clients on race-based hiring

Your Voice

Three Scary Letters: Big. Law. ALS.

Your Voice

Creating Space at the Table: Succeeding as a female in the still-male-dominated field of law

Letters From Our Readers

Letters: Mental health check


Lawyers who know their role can become ‘Rainstars’

Members Who Inspire

Tsion Gurmu calls on personal experience to support Black immigrants

ABA Leadership

Bill Bay, the ABA’s president-elect nominee, hopes to attract new lawyers to the association

ABA Leadership

Meet Our Nominees: ABA candidates, in their own words

Criminal Justice

Nearly 2,000 children were sexually abused by members of Catholic clergy and religious orders, Illinois AG’s investigation finds

Law Firms

Former Lewis Brisbois executive criticized firm’s financial practices in 2019 claim

Law Firms

More than 110 lawyers leave this BigLaw firm to join new shop

Your Voice

The ABA needs ideological diversity to ensure its future

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Justia leadership

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